Organizing Contact Info
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Each contact is listed as a single row in the Address List area, and the details of the selected address is displayed in the Details Window.

Creating a New Contact Info

Click New Contact button on main tool bar to open New Contact window, enter the information you want for the contact. Switch between the tabs to enter any additional information.

General Tab
: Here you can enter the main information for the contact such as First, Middle or Last name. The software automatically creates a "Full name" field, based on the information in the First, Middle, Last name. Contact can be only assigned to one category. Category List is list of categories you can use to group and find contacts. This list contains general categories such as Business, Personal, etc. You can add category by typing it directly in edit box. To select photo or picture for the contact click Select Image button. If you wish public the contact to other users, don't check Private box.

Business Tab
: Here you can enter the business-related information for the contact including job information, business address, phone numbers and e-mails. Web page also can be specified. If you check Default button near the address fields, business address will be treated as Default address for this contact.

Home Tab
: Here you can enter the home-related information for the contact including home address, phone numbers, e-mails... If you check Default button near the address fields, home address will be treated as Default address for this contact.

Edit an Existing Contact Info
Locate the contact info you want to edit in grid list, then click Edit Contact button in main tool bar to open Edit Contact window, edit the information,finally click Save button to save.

Delete Contact Info
To delete contact info, left-click the contact info to select it or Ctrl+click contacts to select multi-contact in grid list, then click Delete Contacts button in the tool bar, the currently selected contacts will be deleted, the confirm message box will be displayed before deleting.

Organizing Contact Info
When you have a large address book, you can organize it in several ways to make it easy to access contacts.

Name Filtering
: You can filter contact info alphabetically by name using Alphabet Bar (Such as A, B, C...) on the left side of the main window. Just press any character from the bar and the contact list will be re-created to show the contacts with names starting from this character. To list all the contacts in the current book, click All button at the bottom of the alphabet bar.

Category Filtering
: Click Category button on main tool bar to open Category window, if you wish the contact info in that category be displayed in grid list, please check that category.

Launching WebPage & Email

If you have filled the "Business web page" or "Home web page" field of the contact Info, you can quickly browse to that page by clicking "Go" button placed to the right of the field in the Contact properties dialog.

You can use SuperCool PIM to start your system's e-mail client and send an e-mail. To send email simply, double-click a email address edit box such as Business Email 1, Business Email2, Home Email 1 etc. to open system default email client, fill in correspond content, then send it.